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Friday, December 24, 2010

Flat Stomach

What Causes A Bloated Stomach - Get Your Flat Stomach Back Again

Author: Patti Evans

There are several major causes of a bloated stomach all of which can easily be fixed. You will be able to stop stomach bloating and get your flat stomach back by making several small changes to your nutritional diet.

There are many causes of stomach bloating such as intestinal gas, constipation, air being taken in when eating, and by eating certain foods. Some people may even suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) which is a common disorder that causes bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and stomach cramping and pain.

There are several quick fixes which can stop stomach bloating. One of the most common causes of a bloated stomach is constipation. Constipation can be cured by slowly increasing your fiber intake by adding more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and nuts to your daily diet. A psyllium husk tablet can be taken before meals to increase fiber and help reduce constipation. Psyllium husk is all natural fiber and is not harmful to take on a regular basis. An additional benefit is that when it is taken before meals, it will give you a full feeling and you won't eat as much.

You should drink lots of water - aim for one glass every hour that you are awake. Exercise is also very important for fighting off constipation. Try to walk for at least a half an hour each day.

Eating fast can cause you to take in air which will bloat your stomach. Slow down when eating and thoroughly chew your food. You should not swallow until your food is almost completely liquid. To train yourself to eat slower, put down your fork after each bite. It will help if you don't watch television while eating. You need to concentrate on your food and your eating habits. You will find that when you slow down and chew your food completely that you will also eat less.

Another cause of a bloated stomach is too much salt. Most processed and canned foods contain excessive amounts of salt. Read all food labels and avoid the ones with high sodium. Also be careful of how much salt you add to your foods.

Some vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower can cause belly bloating if you are not used to eating them on a regular basis. Beans can also causea bloated stomach. But instead of eliminating these from your diet, you should add them slowly and eat them more often, so your system gets used to them and they don't cause gas. Beano can be used until your system adjusts to them.

Instead of eating three large meals, break your meals into five or six smaller meals. It is much easier on your digestive system and it keeps you from bloating.

Artificially sweetened drinks, food, and carbonated drinks should be avoided. Fructose, especially high fructose corn syrup can cause your stomach to bloat. Read labels and avoid it.

Probiotic yogurts and pineapple will reduce stomach bloating. Eat a probiotic yogurt or take a probiotic tablet every day. Also eating pineapple on a regular basis will help with digestion.

Following a healthy eating plan is essential to your good health. Now that you know the causes of a bloated stomach, you can avoid these problems and get your flat stomach back again.

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About the Author

For additional information on the causes of stomach bloating, visit Causes Of A Bloated Stomach and Stop Stomach Bloating.

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