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Friday, April 9, 2010

Green Tea Benefits

People around the world are using natural weight loss plans that include the benefit of green tea to assist them in losing weight. Green tea and weight loss go hand in hand. This is an easy way to enhance your weight loss efforts. The greatest green tea benefit is the presence of polyphenol oxidase - an abundant supply of antioxidants. Antioxidants can be termed as the "true elixir" of life.

This is a very power tea that can help with many health issues and to prevent many that may try to come. Add your own benefits of green tea to this page.Besides helping with weight loss, green tea supplements can help reduce the risk of obesity-related diseases like high cholesterol, diabetes and heart disease.

According to researchers, EGCG can help prevent numerous cancers including those affecting the breasts, lungs, and prostate. Researchers say a person can get the cancer prevention benefit of green tea by drinking two or three cups daily.In fact a decrease in the level of antioxidants is proportional to the increased risk from cancer, heart attacks and umpteen other health disorders. In fact a new research shows that antioxidants in tea may actually help fight cataracts one of the primary causes of blindness globally.

There are ways to increase the green tea health benefits of each cup to reduce the number to one or two cups per day.This is primarily due to the way green tea is made. In black and oolong tea, the leaves are fermented. This causes the health benefits of EGCG to develop into a less medically beneficial form.

Unlike black tea, in green tea the leaves are steamed before being rolled. This stops the tea leaves becoming oxidized, so keeps a lot more of the good stuff in there, giving it a lot more health benefits than black tea. Due to the popularity of recent findings, green tea has almost become synonymous with weight loss and diet.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that green tea benefit is instant weight loss. You still need watch what you eat and how much you exercise. If you don't you will just eat what the tea burns up, and this will not help you lose your excess weight.Through consuming the same calories you do now and drinking green tea you should see a slow weight loss and more energy within a matter of weeks. You can lose even more by lowering the amount of calories you are eating and by exercising more as well.

Green tea is reported to offer several health benefits and is considered as a natural secret to . Honey Hair Loss Rapid hair loss is usually considered as one of .

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