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Monday, April 26, 2010

Importance Of Pedometer

A pedometer is a pager-sized device worn on your belt that simply records the number of steps you take based on your body's movement. Some pedometers are analog devices that simply measure steps. Some are fancier digital models that track the distance you walk, plus the calories you burn. A pedometer is a simple device used to measure the number of steps you take in a day.

The pedometer provides all the functions that most pedometers do, however this pedometer actually talks to you. It will display and tell you your walking steps, your walking distance and the number of calories burned.Most combine a sports watch (with chronograph, countdown timer and alarms) with an advanced accelerometer-pedometer function that can track steps, speed, distance and calories burned.

For most people, walking is an easy and low-cost way to get moving and stay fit. Then you can set goals to take more steps and be more active.Pedometers monitor the number of steps taken in a day . The use of a pedometer has been shown to increase physical activity among sedentary populations . Walking is an excellent way for most inactive people to begin regular exercise .

Use the pedometer always, everyday. Go for a walk or sprint and check your distance covered. If you cover at least 10,000 steps a day, it's healthy.A pedometer may be any device that counts the steps you take over some distance. Most pedometers are also able to measure distance based on the length of your stride.

While pedometers count the number of paces pretty accurately, the estimate of distance travelled is less reliable.All pedometers count steps. If that's all you need to know, a basic model might be fine. If you're curious about distance walked, calories burned or other measurements – or if you want the ability to upload your walking data or electronically track the numbers – you might prefer a fancier model.

To measure distance covered, the average length of the step must be entered into the pedometer. The pedometer then calculates distance covered by multiplying the step length times the number of steps.Premium Pedometer counts footsteps and aerobic steps while you walk or work out. Tracks distance traveled in miles along with amount of calories burned.

Accurate pedometers are those with step-count errors less than 10%, high or low. That is, your pedometer should not count more than 110 steps, or fewer than 90 steps, if you walk 100 steps. The accuracy of 13 popular pedometers was studied in 2003 (see pedometer list below).If you have the type of pedometer that converts the number of steps into distance, you will have to set your step length.Stop and open the pedometer to check the step count. If it is within plus or minus 3 steps of 30, this is an accurate location for your pedometer.

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